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A bird in her hand

Our daughter is 12-years-old now. She has loved nature ever since she was in a stroller. We took nature walks year round when she was little. She chased the robins, convinced she would catch one, had a favorite big tree she would actually throw her arms around

when we passed it. She parked a small, pink chair under our tree once, as baby robins were peeping. She said she would be quiet and observe the mom flying in and out.

Birds are still her fascination. She has a notebook with hundreds of hand-written bird names in it with page references to her bird guide. I found her sitting outside in the snow, her back against the fence recently. "Shhh, I am watching these birds up there in the pine tree," she said.

She is a homeschooler, and today she told me she had prayed, "Dear Jesus, I love those birds outside so much, if you would have one come down and sit on my hand, I'd be so happy!"

Well, her prayer was answered. A chickadee, for some unknown reason, came down and not only took the seed from her, but ended up hopping into her warm hand to sit. She came in just elated. Then he did it again an hour later, and I caught photos and a video.

We see signs of spring here. The Sandhill cranes and the red-winged blackbirds are back. Emmy saw a robin, too. We still have snow here, and we could have during April. I hope they all survive. We have our feeders full for the little feathered creatures.

I am grateful for the little blip of joy today when there is so much darkness pressing in from all sides. Thank you, LORD, who created all.


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