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Feet Like a Deer

The "why" question in life is a very human one. I confess I have asked that question many, many times through the years: Perplexing situations, seemingly pointless griefs piled on top of heartaches, physical challenges in the midst of increasing demands made of me. All of these things are surrounded by bewilderment and the question, "Why?"

You realize pretty quickly that we usually don't get answers to these questions in this life. With eyes of faith, we must firmly believe that God works in and through what He sends to build Christ-likeness in our characters, and also to glorify Himself. It's our place to go forward in His name each day, and let Him work out the details.

The word "can't" is another familiar word that often passes through my mind. Truthfully, there really are times when I physically hit a brick wall. Those times I really, genuinely can't do something, I have to dismiss the guilt and feeling of failure it brings, and know that this is not the day for heroics, but rest.

Other days, my "can't" turns to, "I can through Christ", as He gives the strength to carry out things that can't be put off. Those can end up being shining days for me, when I see nothing but collapse, and yet, a job is completed anyway, one slow step at a time. I experienced this recently with a formidable challenge. Because I struggle with a a condition that brings great fatigue and muscle pain, I saw that the job at hand in caring for a loved one was teetering on the "truly can't" brink. But with the help of two daughters, and taking one step at a time, the cleaning and meal making transpired anyway. As we pulled out of the driveway to go home, I felt a sense of triumph. "Mission accomplished!" A text later from the loved one read, "The house looks great and dinner in the crock pot smells so good." This is what we set out to accomplish, and that is the result. Through God, we can do things we never thought possible on these days.

I was leaving to carry out our tasks the other day, my young daughter in the back. A long ago hymn I knew came to mind. "Forth in Thy name, O Lord we go!" I announced. Not having heard that hymn in years and remembering only the first line, I looked it up this morning. There it was--the simple, perfect prelude to each and every day, no matter what job we are about to do. Only He can give us feet like those of the "deer on high places." Only He can help us to do what seems impossible in human strength. So today, right now, this is my prayer. I hope it is yours, as well.

Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go, my daily labor to pursue, Thee only, Lord, resolved to know in all I think or speak or do.

The task Thy wisdom has assigned here let me cheerfully fulfill; in all my work Thy presence find, and prove Thy good and perfect will.

Thee may I set at my right hand, whose eyes my inmost secrets see, and labor on at Thy command and offer all my work to Thee.

Help me to bear Thy easy yoke, in ev'ry moment watch and pray, and still to things eternal look and hasten to that glorious day.

Then with delight may I employ all that Thy bounteous grace has given, and run my earthly course with joy, and closely walk with Thee in heaven.

"God, the Lord, is my strength; He makes my feet like the deer's; He makes me tread on my high places." - Habakkuk 3:19


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