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More Than Gold

My mother turned 86 yesterday, and last night we celebrated with her. She is the beloved matriarch of our family, the VIP, and the largest influence on all of our lives through the years. To her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, she is the source of ongoing love and concern, the one who awaits their calls and updates and follows their lives with great interest.

Mom doesn't get around like she used to, but her influence continues. You may have heard the expression that learning within families is best "caught, not taught." And I think it's true. It's not that hearing truth and receiving good instruction isn't important, the point is that the modeling of it is where the true influence occurs.

Back when we were children, finding my mother on her knees by the sofa, Bible open before her, her talking to the Lord, was priceless, or hearing her talking in the kitchen at the sink, and realizing that she was praying. We would back away, knowing we were on holy ground. The heartfelt singing wherever she went, the songs she taught us that are buried forever in our hearts and minds, her refusal to give up when she faced (often) appallig situations that would have shattered most women, and most of all, that notebook of prayer she has always kept. She has prayed for loved ones for years and years. Her own siblings were assigned a day of the week, one each for the seven. This is not what we were told through the years. It's what we witnessed.

It is possible to be a talker of truth with no reality behind it. It's possible to be praised for being a great person of God, yet fool people. But if you want a real picture of the person, ask their kids. They aren't fooled. Not even a little bit. Not deep inside.

My mother, Freda Eliason, prays for us and has since before we were born. That love for our souls, as well as our bodies, is beyond price. All the gold in the world can't buy it. How grateful we, her children, are for that. And her grandchildren. And her great-grandchildren.

One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. - Psalm 145:4

Artist: Jessie Wilcox Smith


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