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Our daughter has been fascinated with birds since she was in the stroller. On walks she would babble excitedly and point to the robins and sparrows and cardinals we encountered along the way. When she began to walk with me, she was convinced she would catch a robin and would run after them. She would always return crestfallen that she couldn't hold one in her hands.

As she has grown older, she has helped her dad put out feeders year around and tirelessly observes the birds' behavior. Her favorite live cam on is the one at the bird lab at Cornell University. She knows the regular birds that come to their feeders and has funny names for them. She keeps a notebook of birds she sees where we live. Her favorite book, now falling apart, is a book of North American birds with sound samples where you can hear their call. Last summer, I couldn't find my daughter and finally located her with her back to our fence, sitting with her chin upturned, eyes closed. "I am listening," she informed me. "I can separate the bird calls if I'm really listening." I left her to her listening practice.

When her brother moved into a "no pets" apartment, he askesd if she would like to take a beautiful little yellow parakeet he had gotten from a pet store. She was ecstatic. She promptly named her, "Pippa Sunbeam." Pippa was very young, and had been hand tamed by her brother. It was a a situation tailor-made for Emmy.

My kids have had budgies through the years (one lived for 12 years) and also finches, but I had never had the time or inclination to interact with one at length. Pippa is different. This sweet little bird is really the most amazing creature. We all love her. I realized anew how therapeutic little pets can be. She never fails to bring a smile to my face, even on tough days. I think she likes me, as she will seek me out when I am in the room. She was lost behind a bed recently, and I put my arm down on the floor. She came running over, hopped onto my hand for a ride up to my shoulder. Grandson Michael also adores her.

Emmy and I learn hymns in our home schooling. The other day, I was at the computer, pointing out the words to "All Things Bright and Beautiful." Pippa was sitting on the desk nearby and Em was at my elbow. This bright-eyed little bird with the sunshine color sat there while we sang through the hymn. "...All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all."

We see God's creative power everywhere, His genius in all the design features of every living creature. He shows forth His glory and His love for us in these special little creatures He allows us to enjoy. This verse this morning came to my mind again.

O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. ~ Psalm 104:24


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