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Sisters of the Angels

I have a younger sister. I still remember reaching through the white crib bars to pat her when she was a baby. We were very different in personality and interests growing up, but I loved her very much (and still do!) We were so different that there was no competition going on, because we both were on our own tracks. My mother never put up with fighting or bickering at home.

She said her own dad told her and her seven siblings that brothers and sisters would be the best friends they would have in life. To this day, Mom is close to them all. No drama, no sniping or petty stuff. Just love and concern.

My daughter-in-law says often how much my little granddaughters love each other. She can enter a room and find them hugging each other. Today, Sophia was sick and on the couch, and her sister came to comfort her. When I saw the photo, it reminded me of how precious that kind of love is, and how important to maintain it throughout life, if at all we can.

Looking at the photo, snapped quickly with no filter or alteration, I thought of something else that made me smile. All afternoon today, I had been trying to place what the photo was bringing to mind. It looked more like a painting than a photo. Then it came to me. The dear little sisters reminded me of little Botticelli angels. The early Renaissance painter, Sandro Botticelli, was famous for his Madonna and child and angel depictions. Artistic license was employed, for sure. But I am quite sure that Sophia and Gianna would have been great little models for one of his paintings. (Or maybe, this Grandma is a little biased!)

One of my favorite books of all time is Sister of the Angels, part of a trilogy by Elizabeth Goudge. So, I have titled this post in a salute to that delightful book about a fresco on the wall of a cathedral. (You'll have to read it for yourself.) I do believe my little granddaughters look like sisters of the angels (Botticelli angels, anyway) in their photo today. Love is so beautiful, and may God bless and protect those families where love has fertile ground to grow.


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