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The Best Advice in Four Words

I recently saw one of those social media questions posted. "What life advice would you give young adults just starting out. Use only four words."

To Christian young people, I would say these four words, taken to heart, would be the very best advice I could give them. "Rest in the LORD." When you can't change circumstances, when you have looked at something from every angle and still can't fix things, when you have done what you can, wait on the LORD. Striving, longing, begging, none of it will achieve anything. We can ask the LORD for help, but we then have to stay quiet, in faith and trust. It's not just a reminder for Christian young people. It's what ca help us each day of our lives .We do what we are responsible for, but in difficulties, in challenges too big for us to handle and in perplexity, we then ask the LORD, and wait to see his help. This rendition of O Rest in the LORD (from the oratorio, Elijah, by Mendelssohn) is so simply done with organ here and a boy soprano. it drives the words home to my heart. Maybe it will to yours also.

Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Psalm 37:7


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